


*curls up at Rami Malek’s feet* Why are you the way you are?

I blame Dot for everything.


i have absolutely


no idea


what you’re talking about 🙂

*helpless sobbing*

But behold, the Bucky Barnes we only got a glimpse of in the first movie, the sharp eyed, rough edged soldier who never misses a mark. This is the men who relates to the men in a way Steve never can. The Bucky Barnes who chain-smokes, who doesn’t shave because “who am I aiming to impress out here Stevie?”, who wears gunpowder marks like fucking make-up.

How many soldiers tossed and turned in their cots after they saw him disappearing into Steve’s tent? How many do you think reached into their underwear, thinking of him or Steve, or the both of them together?

How many times has Steve watched him from across camp and itched for a piece of paper to draw the shadows under Bucky’s eyes, the shape of his lips around a cigarette, the marks of dirt and blood and bruises on once perfect skin?

How many soldiers do you think saw those eyes and thought that death was beautiful?

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